Friday, March 19, 2010

Anti aging skin care products.

It seems that everyone gravitates towards products that are labeled as the fastest face creams for wrinkles. Our society today wants and expects instant gratification, but the fact remains that in some situations we are not going to get it. If it has taken decades for your skin to reach the point where it is now, what makes you think you can fix everything instantly and overnight?

We all desire skin that is healthy, soft, and wrinkle free and of young looking skin that will last eternally. Hence, the high number of sales for anti aging skin care products is in large part the reason why cosmetics companies are in business, as billions of dollars worth of formulas are sold each year. Have you ever questioned and looked further into any one of the anti aging skin care products to see exactly what it is you are buying?

Many formulations advertised as the absolute fastest face creams for wrinkles contain peptides as the key ingredients. Now before I go on, I should tell you that there are good and bad peptides. On the one hand you have safe, high quality peptides like Eyeliss and Haloxyl which are extremely effective in dealing with the factors that cause the development of bags, wrinkles and dark circles around the eye area. In contrast you have the peptides that act as Botox alternatives.

Peptides like Acetyl Hexapeptide 3 or Argeriline are designed to "relax" the facial muscles in areas around the mouth, eyes and on the forehead. Wrinkles develop more easily in areas of the face that are most involved in expression, and the lines that develop become increasingly more pronounced as time goes by. By relaxing the underlying muscles in these areas, the depth of wrinkles is decreased.

When you apply the fastest face creams for wrinkles, the affected muscles relax and begin to droop slightly. This action pulls the skin taut, smooths your current wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles caused by repeated facial expression and movements. To say that the facial muscles become relaxed when peptides like Argeriline are introduced is somewhat misleading.

Peptides that have a relaxing effect on facial muscles are actually paralyzing the facial muscles, and it has been feared that with repeated treatments the paralysis may increase in severity. The regulatory agencies are keeping a watchful eye over the continued use of peptides since they appear to mimic Botox treatments and are feared because of the permanent damage that they may cause.

Generally, the peptides used in anti aging skin care products are quite safe to use, as in the case of the previously mentioned Eyeliss and Haloxyl. However, those that appear to have the ability to affect facial muscles in least desired ways, like those often used to produce the fastest face creams for wrinkles, should be avoided for the time being.

Instead of indulging in the fastest face creams for wrinkles, perhaps you may want to lotions and creams that contain natural formulas featuring Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame.

These ingredients have been proven effective in creating new collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to smooth your wrinkles and firm the skin. And although visible results may take slightly longer to show, I would rather wait for improved results achieved in a safe manner than perhaps having to face the risk of possibly irreversible damage.

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