Friday, March 19, 2010

Collagen "de-ages" the skin.

Recent articles by so-called skincare "experts" have claimed that supplemented collagen doesn't work and that the recent trend of promoting collagen products is baseless.

The reality is, well, nothing could be further from the truth. Let us look at the main critiques arising from these articles.

Collagen via supplements cannot be absorbed into the body
This seems to be the key criticism. That manufacturers of collagen supplements state that collagen is absorbed into the body is thought to be an outright lie. In fact, over 20 years of research of collagen products have produced a collagen that is of such pure form that it has a 95% absorption rate.

It should be noted though, that this figure does only apply to pill based supplements ingested and absorbed via the gut, and not ointments that are rubbed into the skin.

Someone claiming that they have a product that "de-ages" any part of the body should give serious consideration to nominating themselves for a Nobel prize as they may have truly found the elixir of youth. Honestly though, no expert of any value would claim that collagen supplements de-ages the skin.

What would be reasonable to say is that collagen supplements can and do hold off the effects of aging by reinforcing the natural supply of collagen in the body when the body slows it's production of the collagen as a person ages.

Supplement companies advise to produce collagen naturally to augment the lack of success of their products

This point is brought up by people who have only experienced inferior products, and as such users are then supposedly "conned" into changing their lifestyle so they produce collagen naturally.

The reality is, it is beneficial to follow a healthy lifestyle and yes, changing your daily routines in order to produce more collagen naturally IS a good idea but more importantly because it aids the absorption of the supplemented collagen.

As has been said already, a lot of the negative press surrounding collagen supplements can be traced back to experiences involving low-grade products. There are many collagen products thought, which are capable of delivering results.

For instance, Pure-Col is one such product that is proven to boost the levels of collagen in the body. It comes in an easy-to-swallow pill form and as such is absorbed much more efficiently by the body. Pure-Col replenishes the natural store of collagen which in turn keeps skin looking young and joints feeling supple.

To conclude, the truth is that collagen supplements do work and that products as good as Pure-col can deliver results. So, the next time someone tells you collagen supplements don't work, you know what to say.

For more info regarding the benefits for beauty and health from collagen supplements, visit Sanctum Health.

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