Friday, March 19, 2010

Skin aging process.

There are many home remedies, treatments, and exercises that offer to reverse the aging process. These anti-aging treatments work on various cases like circles under the eyes and wrinkles. Other problems include stretch marks, sun spots, and cellulite too. Furthermore, there are treatments focused towards reversing the process of aging in the skin from the inside.

One of the popular remedies to achieve youthful skin and try to reverse aging is to fight dark circles under the eyes. This can be simply remedies with the use of cucumber slices to eliminate the circles and swelling. By placing cold cucumbers over the eyes, this area is moisturized. The coolness lets the area to constrict the blood vessels to reduce the swelling. Cucumbers also offer antioxidants to fight the anti aging process in the skin.

These dark circles under the eyes can also be treated with wet tea bags. Like cucumber, tea bags can offer additional moisture. With the help of tannin and tea caffeine, it can get rid of the swelling.

Wrinkles are another big problem especially those around the mouth. To keep facial lines around your mouth, exaggerate smiling then gnash your teeth together. Repeat this exercise at least 12 times every day. Moreover, when moisturizing your face, never miss the area around your mouth. It is also recommended to keep your lips hydrated with a lip balm.

In the end, these anti-aging treatments need to be incorporated with a healthier change in one's lifestyle. Exercise and the right diet with plenty of water are very important. Stay away from your bad habits like alcohol, smoking, and drug use.

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