Friday, March 19, 2010

Natural Aging Process- Preventing Wrinkles.

Mother nature is too busy allowing you the joy of living to bother with preventing wrinkles. She wants you to enjoy the changing seasons, the sunshine, smiling, flirting, laughing, and expressing yourself, so it is strictly up to you to start paying attention to your skin care needs.

Having a fight with your boy friend, frowning at an irritating co-worker, eating your lunch outside on a sunny day, sleeping on your stomach can all contribute to; repetitive facial movements, UV skin damage, pollution exposure, and the dreadful but steady breakdown in your skins collagen. Just living your life day to day wears away at your skin generating wrinkles. The rise of younger, and younger women visiting doctors for Botox injections is particularly scary due to the fact that no one is completely sure of what the long term affects of using a paralytic toxin may be on healthy facial muscles in young women. There are less drastic measures that doctors do recommend for young women. These include taking preventive actions such as using effective anti aging skin care products, which in the long term do pay off years down the road, in the form of healthier skin and less wrinkled skin.

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